European CME-CPD Academy
European CME-CPD Academy is a continuing medical education (CME) provider based in Europe that develops and certifies continuing education for health professionals
Our eduction is designed to improve or change knowledge, competence, performance and, where possible, patient outcomes. The education is designed using advanced adult learning principles in order to ensure that professional practice gaps are identified, addressed, and closed
European CME-CPD Academy offers support and guidance in CME and regulatory compliance, training and consultancy, and CME accreditation management services
The online CME that was available on this site has now been spun off into dedicated education portals. If you need to retrieve your historical CME record please contact us
About European CME-CPD Academy
European CME-CPD Academy was set up in 2006 as an independent provider of continuing education for healthcare professionals primarily in Europe, but also globally. We work collaboratively with medical professionals and education partners in the development, presentation and accreditation management of educational activities. We certify activities that meet our standards for quality and independence
Delivering CME globally
In addition to certifying third-party education that meets our standards, we also seek accreditation through various accreditors. We have had live and enduring activities accredited internationally and nationally across Europe, including France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Spain, the Netherlands, UK and Canada. We also work in joint-providership on international projects with partners in the US, Canada and Europe
Our primary audiences are European healthcare professionals (pan-European and national), but we also have international reach and experience of CME/CPD in Latin America, South East Asia, Japan, India, GCC as well as North America
We support and work with partners in a number of ways
We certify educational activities that meet our standards for quality and independence. We do this by working in collaboration with third parties to ensure that the education has been designed, implemented and delivered appropriately and compliantly
Accreditation services
We support organisations with our many years of experience in international CME, especially across Europe, to have CME-compliant education accredited in the most appropriate way. We also advise on CME compliance, such as industry relations, content creation, learner engagement and outcomes measurement
Online platforms
We develop bespoke portals and interactive digital learning environments, as well as traditional eLearning depending on the needs of the project and the learners.